Sunday 18 December 2016

Honeymoon Essentials – Sun

This is my fourth and final instalment of honeymoon essentials – sun care. 

Click below to see each of the prior instalments: 

•    Honeymoon Essentials – Travel
•    Honeymoon Essentials – Beauty
•    Honeymoon Essentials – Fashion

Sun care is top of my agenda right now as I am preparing to jet off to Nigeria in the new year for not one but two weddings!  (The same couple though – stay tuned to my Instagram to see what I’m up to from 3rd Jan onwards!  I’m too excited!)

Sun care is something Brits underestimate.  I think there is a common misconception that because we don’t get a lot of natural vitamin D in the UK it’s ok to binge on sun worshipping for 2 weeks when on holiday, and that it won’t do us much harm in such a short space of time.  This is simply not the case and sun exposure should not be taken lightly. 

Having spent the best part of the last 10 years working in the beauty industry, I’m only too aware of the damage and ageing the sun can do to your skin, never mind your hair or anything else.  When I used to work at Paris Fashion Week (particularly at men’s fashion week in June when Paris would be unbearably warm), you could always tell who worked in the beauty side of it by their ability to scout out the best shaded spots at parties. 

So, coming from someone who is blonde and Scottish, with a background in beauty, these are my go-to sun products:  

Sun Screen 

First and foremost, somewhat obvious.  Boots Soltan is tried, tested and trusted and contains additional skin nourishing moisturisers.  I never go below factor 30 these days, but my preference on honeymoon was factor 50 – and I still came back with a tan.  Yes, you can still get burnt through the clouds, and did you know you also get damaging UV radiation from your laptop, tablet and phone to boot?  Aside from scary diseases, I’m keen to look as young as possible for as long as possible. 

Aloe Vera Gel 

Hands down the most replenishing moisturiser I have ever used.  A necessity after a day in the sun, whether your burnt or not.  Almost pure aloe vera, it absorbs cleanly, with a refreshing natural smell.  It’s also organic and can be used on sensitive skin.  Plus the packaging is fun, the old ones are the best.   

Hair Heat Defence Spray 

Like sun screen, prevention is always better than cure, and there’s not much going back with your hair aside from getting it chopped off!  As I am blonde, this is a must to avoid that brassy Ibiza look.  I like the smell of this Toni & Guy one, as a lot of the others I’ve tried smell like hair spray. 

Hair Oil 

This your hair aftercare.  Use it to lock in moisture after washing and replenish some of the natural oils the sun strips away.  My hairdresser introduced me to Kérastase Elixir Ultime Hair Oil a few years ago, and I’ve never looked back.  I use it on wet hair every time I wash it, even in London, but it was great on dry ends too when I was on honeymoon.  One or two pumps of the classic ‘pea sized amount’ is all that is needed, thus a bottle of this stuff lasts me about 10 months. 

A Fresh Scent 

In strong heats I like to carry around a travel size perfume for a freshen up, for obvious reasons.  Avoid anything too musky as this will be too heavy and won’t cover up sweat that well.  The pictured Wild Strawberry & Parsley fragrance (the green Jo Malone bottle) was my ‘honeymoon perfume’ kindly gifted to me by my lovely sister – it was limited edition at the time.  A refreshing mix of green and spicy accords in a slender and compact 30 ml bottle.  A herby but zesty scent which now reminds me of cocktails on the beach. 

A Sturdy Bikini 

Last but not least.  This means one that will suitably cover any sensitive bits.  Sure I have skimpy bikinis, but you also need those full pant ones for the days when you might be more active or when the sun might be stronger.  People often forget the less obvious delicate areas that will also get easily burnt.  For me this includes the top of my ribcage and the top of my thighs.  I’d much rather have those bits slightly more white, than a cancer shade of red.  The bikini pictured was only from Primark earlier this year, but the cleavage covering bandeau top and big pants were a winner for me! 

Catch some winter sun with me on my Instagram from 3rd January onwards when I’ll be celebrating the #derayo2017 weddings in Nigeria!  Stay safe and cover up either way though!  

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