Saturday 9 April 2016

Wedding Diary – 3 Weeks to Go

Wedding planning seemed to go at snail’s pace for me for the first 9 months, but since Christmas I feel like the days have been slipping away from me.  I thought I’d share what I was going through in my last 3 weeks, so here’s the first instalment! 

Sat 2nd April

Our wedding is 3 weeks today.  I got up at 5.30am to fly to Belfast for a family Christening.  I wasn’t looking forward to my alarm going off but by the time I got a coffee at Gatwick I was buzzing to see everyone.  The coffee was a wee treat as I’ve been trying to stay away from teeth-staining food stuffs, but today was going to be a write off anyway since it would be a combined Scottish/Irish celebration!  I hadn’t seen a lot of people since Christmas, so it was a great warm up for the wedding – including the copious amounts of prosecco, and people having to be carried home!  

Sun 3rd April

Needless to say after yesterday, most people woke up quite hungover today!  We had a hearty Irish cooked breakfast and then said goodbye as everyone parted ways for planes, trains and automobiles.  It was strange saying goodbye to everyone, knowing the next time I will see most of them will be at my wedding!  We spent the day in Belfast and then I headed for my flight back to London around 7pm.  I tried to do some blogging at the airport, but ended up being too busy catching up with all the photos from the weekend on Facebook and Instagram. 

Mon 4th April

My fiancé and I were ships in the night, almost literally, this weekend.  He came back on Friday evening from working away for the week, I was away in Ireland Sat/Sun, and then he was up at 3am this morning to catch the first flight to Geneva again for work.  I won’t see him until Friday evening now.  When he sold this to me originally, he said it would be like ‘Don’t Tell the Bride’ where the couple don’t see each other for a few weeks before the wedding!!  I started using my new Jo Malone shower oil and body cream today in preparation for the wedding, it made Monday morning that little bit better!  I was absolutely shattered today, but I stayed in work late to laminate the table names for the wedding.  

Tue 5th April

Tonight was the final meal tasting at our venue (title image, above).  As my fiancé is in Geneva with work, I took my sister instead (my maid of honour).  Since we have already confirmed our meal choices with guests via the RSVP on our website, it was really just a final chance to make sure we had chosen the right canapes and do a final wine tasting.  I took a small gift for our host as part thank you for the tasting, and part bribe for the day itself!  She’s been amazing and has been super flexible with all my wild ideas so far!  I went through all the final prep with my sister, and we had such a good time chatting away about the wedding that we ended up there until nearly 11pm!  The sommelier was amazing and, 10 wines later, we decided on a white Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand and a red Malbec from Argentina.  I arrived home, more than a little tipsy, to a lovely surprise package of personalised wedding marshmallows from some faraway friends, I was so touched.  (Personalised marshmallows from Boomf) 

Wed 6th April

Today I was mostly tired, emotional, and hungover from last night!  Despite this, I managed to prepare a rigorous wedding to do list for my lunch break while on the tube in the morning.  I don’t normally wear fake tan and I’m not interested in a spray tan for the wedding, so today I started using a gradual fake tan as a test.  By lunchtime, the smell, combined with my hangover, made me feel a little nauseous!  On my lunch break I chased up various vendors to confirm payments, and then popped to Wholefoods at Piccadilly Circus to stock up on matcha green tea powder and chai seeds for making smoothies to keep my energy up.  My evening was spent going over our final wedding playlists on Spotify and checking the edits of our entrance and exit music. 

Thu 7th April

Today I kept going with my gradual fake tan; combined with my new Jo Malone goodies, it doesn’t smell so bad today!  My lunch break consisted of the following to dos: confirming if our hotel has parking for my hair and makeup artist, booking a manicure and pedicure for my sister and I the day before the wedding, and honeymoon shopping on Asos.  I didn’t actually make it to the honeymoon shopping bit though! 

Fri 8th April

I’m going for a final meeting with my florist on Sunday, so I went into work early today to make sure I had all the correct notes prepared.  I popped up to my sisters quickly after work to feed her cat as she is away for the weekend for another wedding, before dashing home to meet my fiancé from the airport.  I had planned to do wedding bits in the evening so we would have less to do Saturday, but we ended up just crashing out on the sofa. 

Until next week!


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